Thursday, July 26, 2012


So, recently there was a CT (Creative Team) call over at Trixie Scraps Designs. I sent in my application and waited anxiously for a reply. I wasn't thinking I'd actually be asked to be a part of the team, but to my surprise I was!!!

I've been a part of this group for just about a month now and I can already tell it's a great group of ladies and Trixie is one talented gal!

Anyway, this past Tuesday was my 1ST EVER blog post on Trixie's blog. You can read it here. I look forward to doing so many more in the upcoming weeks, months and hopefully YEARS! :D

So being part of this team I've been able to play around with some of the newest kits Trixie has to offer. Besides the one I used in the blog post above, she made one called Remembering You. I can't tell you how long I've wanted a kit like this. It was such a great kit that I was able to create 2 pages out of the same kit and they don't even look that similar. AWESOME!!!

I seriously LOVE this kit. You should seriously look into purchasing this kit if you have a Memorial type page you're just waiting to scrap!

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome! Congrats! Your post was fantastic!
